Contribute a cover


If you like to add your works to this repository

you have to post a message in the Forum

    in the Registro Record in questo FORUM  section    

 (quick and free registration or login using facebook or Gmail is required)


Your lottodesigns will be added to this site.




Please, when sending your files remember to specify:

- the amount of numbers (v)

- the blocks size (k)

- the guarantee (t)

- the condition (m)

- the number of blocks (b)

- the author

- and other comments if needed.


In case you want to send multiple improvements:

If you like to send many files at the same time  it could be useful to provide a table to accompany your files of blocks where you repeat concisely the following parameters for each wheel (possibly using an excel file or in a plane text file using semicolon ";" separator. This to prevent interpretation errors by the operator and to speed up and facilitate his job.

For large attacment (over 500Kb) please consider to use an external service or ask to the forum.

Example of table for 5 files to send:








(click the image above to download an empty Table.xls sheet ready to be filled with your data)