Costruzione a Concatenazione

Ver. 1.5

       Download (Program + Manual.rar) (189KB)       

Previous version 1.0b

(containing some bug concerning the larghest size obtainable as construction when input parameters was not close to themselves and not consecutive)

is still available  clicking here  and will be removed after a short time of testing of the latest relase (ver 1.1)


It's a program for constructions.

It allows to build a larger covering starting from three smaller coverings.

Each initial covering will be automatically modified (depending of the parameter V),

to obtain the full set of necessary combinations for the targhet covering

This method has been discussed initially here

And now the program for the entiere process has been made.


Thumbnails and screenshots

Main screen
(First select text files with the three initial wheels, then set the corresponding parameters)

When all necessary data has been filled in,
you'll see parameters of the resulting construction.
Then you can start the building process.



If you have any questions or comments about this software,
please use the Message Board and mention the program's name.